Current TAG : Network Adapter
  • 2017-01-18
    In a word, a network adapter allows an electronic device to interface with a local computer network. Computer local area network (LAN) connection with the outside world is by inserting a network interface board to the mainframe (or insert a PCMCIA card in laptops). Network interface board is also kn
  • 2017-01-17
    Computer connects to the external LAN by inserting a network interface board in the mainframe box, (Or insert a PCMCIA card in the notebook). Network interface board, also known as communication adapter or network adapter or network interface card NIC, but people are willing to use its simple name "
  • 2017-01-17
    Network interface card referred to as network card (NIC). It is an indispensable basic device in a computer network that provides physical connectivity for data communication between computers. Each computer must be installed once the network access network card. After many years of development, NIC
  • 2017-01-17
    In this article, you will learn how to install a NIC card where NIC stands for Network Interface Card. This card is found on the motherboard of a computer and as its name says, it is used to connect to the internet.What is the NIC?A network interface card (NIC) is a circuit board or card that is ins
  • 2017-01-17
    A network card, also known as a network interface controller, NIC card or a network adapter, is a part of the computer that allows the connection to the internet. Some NIC cards work with wired connections while others are wireless. In new computers, many NIC cards are pre-installed by the manufactu
  • 2017-01-16
    As we know, without network cards, a computer cannot connect to the internet. While it is not the most common of problems, network cards have been known to fail from time to time. This article will provide readers some useful tips for troubleshooting, maintaining, and protecting network cards. Reaso
  • 2017-01-16
    Many people may encounter a problem that how to check if a NIC card is installed or worked, well, for solving this problem, we need to know what the NIC card is at first.What is the NIC card?A network interface card (NIC) is a circuit board or card that is installed in a computer so that it can be c
  • 2017-01-16
    The network interface card also known as network adapter or NIC, is a hardware device that allows you to connect to a computer network and share. Whether ordinary PC or high-end server, as long as the connection to the LAN, you need to install a network card. If necessary, a computer can also instal
  • 2017-01-12
    Currently, there are so many types of network cards on the market, and the prices and functions are different. Different network cards may support one or several types of transmission media, and can be used to configure network systems with different topologies. At the same time, different manufactu
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