How to delete configuration on ZTE switch

Deleting configurations is a common task when dealing with ZTE switches. If you're new to the process, it might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually very straightforward. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to delete configurations on ZTE switches.

I. Solution 1:

Step 1: Access the switch

To delete configurations, you need to first log in to the switch console. You can do this via Telnet or SSH from a terminal or using a console cable connected to a terminal emulator such as PuTTY. Once you're logged in, you will see the user interface, which displays the current configuration for the switch.

Step 2: Identify the configuration you want to delete

The next step is to identify the configuration you want to delete. This could be a single configuration entry or a group of entries. It's important to note that when you delete a configuration entry, you're permanently discarding it, so be sure that you've identified the right configuration entry.

Step 3: Select the configuration mode

Once you've identified the configuration you want to delete, you need to select the configuration mode. This mode allows you to manipulate the switch's configuration. To select the configuration mode, type "system-view" and press "Enter". You should see a prompt that reads " [Switch]" indicating that you're now in the configuration mode.

Step 4: Navigate to the configuration you want to delete

Now that you're in the configuration mode, you need to navigate to the specific configuration you want to delete. Use the "display current-configuration" command to view the current configurations on the switch. This will display all the configurations in the running configuration file.

Step 5: Delete the configuration

Once you've identified the configuration you want to delete and navigated to it, use the "undo" command to remove it. For example, if you want to delete a VLAN named VLAN_10, then you would use the following command:

undo vlan 10

This command removes the VLAN configuration entry from the running-config file, effectively deleting it from the switch.

Step 6: Save the changes

After you've deleted the configuration entry, you need to save the changes to the switch's configuration file. Use the "save" command to save the configuration changes. This command saves the current running configuration file to the startup-configuration file, indicating that the changes will now be saved as part of the switch's permanent configuration.

Step 7: Verify the changes

Finally, verify that the changes have been made by using the "display current-configuration" command again. This will display the current configurations, including the one you deleted. If the configuration entry has been successfully deleted, it should no longer be present in the configuration output.


Deleting configurations on ZTE switches is an easy and straightforward process once you know the steps. By following these seven steps, you'll be able to delete any configuration entry on a ZTE switch with ease. Remember to always save your changes and verify that they've been made before logging out of the switch.

II. Solution 2:

How to Reset the Configuration of the ZTE Switch ZXR10 5928

As an engineer, there may be times where you need to reset the configuration of a ZTE switch, specifically the ZXR10 5928 model. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Unplug the power cable of the switch.

2. Hold down the MODE button on the front panel and plug in the power cable. Your super terminal window should enter switch: status.

3. Type in the command to initialize the flash memory: switch: flash_init

4. Type in the command to load the helper: switch: load_helper

5. Check the contents of the folder flash by typing in the command: switch: dir flash:

6. Unplug the power cable. To view the original configuration, type in the command: switch: type flash: config.text

7. Rename the configuration file "config.text" in the folder flash to "config.old."

8. If you want to delete the VLAN configuration, type in the command: switch: delete flash:vlan.dat

9. Restart the switch by typing in the command: switch: boot

10. When the switch prompts you to enter the configuration dialogue, type in "no."

By following these steps, you can reset the configuration of the ZTE switch ZXR10 5928 to factory settings and clear the password.


III. Solution 3:

How to Reset Configuration on ZTE Switch ZXR10 5928

As an engineer, you may find the need to reset the configuration on a ZTE Switch, particularly the ZXR10 5928 model. Fortunately, it only requires one command:

1. To reset the configuration data, simply enter the command: reset saved-configuration


How to delete configuration on ZTE switch



2. Then follow the system prompt and select "YES." After restarting the switch, all configurations will be cleared.


How to delete configuration on ZTE switch-2.png



By following these steps, you can easily reset the configuration of your ZTE switch ZXR10 5928, without any hassle.


IV. Solution 4:

As an engineer, one may encounter situations where it is necessary to reset the configuration of a ZTE switch in order to start with a fresh slate. This can be done by using the command "clear running-config" on the ZXR10 2950-28TC model.

To execute this command, the engineer needs to log in to the switch and enter the configuration mode by typing "cfg" after the "#". Once in the configuration mode, the engineer can enter the "clear running-config" command, which will delete the current configuration on the switch.

To confirm this action, the engineer will be prompted to input "Yes" and click enter. The switch will then be restarted and the engineer can proceed with configuring it according to their needs.

It is important to note that resetting the configuration will erase all previous settings, including VLANs, security settings, and IP addresses. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that any necessary backups of the configuration have been made before clearing the configuration.

How to delete configuration on ZTE switch

V. Solution 5:

clear data



ZXR10#cd cfg(Enter the configuration folder)

ZXR10#dir *.* (Enter privileged mode - Display directory)

Directory of flash:/cfg/ (Display files in the cfg folder)

attribute size date time name

1 drwx 2048 MAY-22-2013 13:42:22 .

2 drwx 2048 MAY-27-2013 13:02:06 ..

3 -rwx 5586 MAY-22-2013 13:42:22 startrun.dat

4 -rwx 975 JAN-17-2001 16:50:32 QQ_list.dat

5 -rwx 154 JAN-17-2001 16:50:32 MSN_list.dat

16117760 bytes total (1308672 bytes free)

ZXR10#del startrun.dat (DELETE PROFILE)

Are you sure to delete files?[yes/no]:y

Start deleting file

deleting /flash/cfg/startrun.dat..


file deleted successfully.

ZXR10#rel (Restarting the router)

Proceed with reload? [yes/no]:y


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