Current TAG : Identification
  • 2017-06-30
    We all know that fiber jumpers at both ends of the cable are fitted with connector plugs. When selecting the fiber jumper, in addition to considering the connector, identifying the merits of the cable is also extremely important. Fiber optical cable is a protective sleeve of the bare fiber, which is
  • 2017-04-01
    It is well known that the quality of transmission medium is quite important for the whole project in the cabling system. It not only involves the lifespan of cabling project, more importantly, the quality and performance of cabling system have to be secure. Fiber optic cable is commonly used to be t
  • 2017-02-04
    Structurally, fiber optic cables are more complex than what we just see, a fiber optic cable involves 8 kinds of materials at least . Furthermore, different fiber optic cables include different materials and designs which make them a little bit costly. So there are many inferior cables in the market
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