What Is GYFTY53 Optical Fiber Cable?

Definition of GYFTY53 Fiber Optic Cable 

GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable is a type of fiber optic cable with a layer of PE inner sheath. Consequently, GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable contains a steel tape armoring outer jacket that offers the required support. GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable has low dispersion and attenuation, special control of exceeding length and layer stranding technology.  For the sake of enhancing crushing performance, GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable is designed with a double jacket.

GYFTY53 Optical Fiber Cable

Description of GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable 

the fibers are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A steel wire, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count, locates in the center of core as a metallic strength member. Tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. An Aluminum Polyethylene Laminate (APL) is applied around the cable core, which is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress. Then the cable core is covered with a thin PE inner sheath. After the PSP is longitudinally applied over the inner sheath, the cable is completed with a PE sheath.

Features of GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable 

1. Good mechanical and temperature performance

2. High strength loose tube that is hydrolysis resistant

3. Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber

4. Loose tubes filling compound

5. Crush resistance and flexibility

6. The following measures are taken to ensure the cable water tight

7. Single fiber reinforced plastic as the central strength member

8.100% cable core filling

 Uses of GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable 

 Use in transmitting data over a long distance

GYFTY53 Optic fiber Cable standards 

1.PBT loose tube of 24fibers

     Tube thickness: 0.3±0.05mm    Diameter:  2.1±0.1 um

     GYFTY53 Cable Fiber (Fiber characteristic):

     Cladding diameter: 125.0±0.1    Fiber characteristics: Diameter: 242±7 um

     UV color fiber: Standard chromatogram

2.  Filling Compound

3.  FRP

4.  Filler rod: If necessary

5.  Black HDPE inner sheath

6.  Water-blocking tape

7.  PSP: Longitudinal corrugated steel tape laminated with polyethylene on both sides

     Corrugated steel Thickness: 0.4 ±0.015       Steel thickness: 0.15±0.015 

8.  PE outer sheath

     Jacket thickness: 1.8 ±0.20mm

     Diameter: Cable Diameter: 12.5±0.30mm


People living in rural areas are the greatest beneficial of the GYFTY53 fiber cable since it is suitable for transmission of data over a long distance.  For the past few years, telecommunication companies have been saving a lot of cash due to the durability of GYFTY53 fiber cable.  Consequently, this type of fiber cable is affordable and easy to install, unlike other types. It does not require complex technical knowledge to install and operate. 

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