Current TAG : Network Card
  • 2017-01-17
    Network interface card referred to as network card (NIC). It is an indispensable basic device in a computer network that provides physical connectivity for data communication between computers. Each computer must be installed once the network access network card. After many years of development, NIC
  • 2017-01-17
    With the rapid development of computer network technology, to meet the needs of a variety of application environments and application levels, there are so many different types of network card in the market, speed requirements of the network card have become diversified. Now, we are going to classify
  • 2017-01-12
    Currently, there are so many types of network cards on the market, and the prices and functions are different. Different network cards may support one or several types of transmission media, and can be used to configure network systems with different topologies. At the same time, different manufactu