How to delete configuration on RUIJIE switch



RUIJIE switches are a popular choice for networking in various industries. However, at times, system administrators may need to delete configurations on these switches for various reasons, such as when troubleshooting network issues, upgrading firmware, or making configuration changes. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to delete configurations on RUIJIE switches, ensuring a smooth and error-free process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced network administrator, this article will help you navigate through the process with ease.

I. Solution 1:

1. Backing up configurations:

Before diving into deleting configurations, it is essential to create a backup of the existing configuration. This backup serves as a crucial safety net in case any unforeseen issues arise during or after the deletion process. To back up the configuration on a RUIJIE switch, follow these steps:

1.1 Accessing the RUIJIE switch:

Connect to the switch using a terminal emulation program, such as PuTTY or SecureCRT, or log in directly through the console port using a console cable.

1.2 Entering the command line interface (CLI):

Once connected, enter the CLI mode by providing the appropriate credentials, such as a username and password. This step may vary depending on the specific model and software version of the RUIJIE switch.

1.3 Backing up the configuration:

Now that you are in the CLI mode, use the following command to back up the configuration to a TFTP server:

copy running-config tftp<TFTP server IP address> <destination filename>

Replace "<TFTP server IP address>" with the IP address of the TFTP server, and "<destination filename>" with the desired filename for the backup configuration file.

2. Deleting configurations:

After successfully creating a backup, you can proceed with deleting configurations on the RUIJIE switch. Here are the steps to follow:

2.1 Accessing the configuration mode:

To delete specific configurations on a RUIJIE switch, first, enter configuration mode. Use the following command:

config terminal

2.2 Identifying the configurations to delete:

Once in the configuration mode, you can view the existing configuration using the "show run" command. This command displays the running configuration, allowing you to identify which configurations you wish to delete.

2.3 Deleting configurations:

To delete a specific configuration line, navigate to the appropriate section using the appropriate commands (e.g., interface, VLAN, etc.) and use the "no" command followed by the configuration line to delete it. For example:

no interface gigabitethernet1/0/1

This command deletes the configuration for Gigabit Ethernet interface 1/0/1.

Repeat the process for any other configurations you wish to delete.

2.4 Committing the changes:

After deleting the desired configurations, remember to commit the changes to make them effective. Use the "write memory" command or its shorthand version, "wr," to save the modified configuration to the switch's memory.

3. Verifying deleted configurations:

Once you have deleted the configurations, it is essential to verify that they have been successfully removed from the RUIJIE switch. You can use the "show run" command once again to check the running configuration and ensure the configurations you intended to delete are no longer present.

Additionally, you can use various other show commands, such as "show interface," "show vlan," or "show running-config," to verify the absence of the deleted configurations.


Deleting configurations on a RUIJIE switch is a vital skill for system administrators, ensuring their ability to troubleshoot, upgrade, or make necessary configuration changes when required. This article provided a step-by-step guide on how to delete configurations on RUIJIE switches, including backing up the configuration, entering the configuration mode, identifying and deleting configurations, and verifying the changes. By following these steps, network administrators can perform configuration deletions accurately, minimizing the risk of errors and enhancing network efficiency.



II. Solution 2:

How to clear switch configuration

You can use the command as below to clear the configuration of switch

Ruijie#delete config.text





III. Solution 3:

"Ruijie switches and routers are enterprise-level devices that do not have a "Reset" button to clear configuration information. During teaching, the following methods are generally used:

1. In privileged mode, use the command "delete flash:config.text" to delete the configuration directly, thus completely clearing the configuration file;

2. After configuring, in privileged mode, use the command "reload" to restart the device and when prompted whether to save the changed configuration, choose not to save. After restart, the configuration will be empty."




IV. Solution 4:

"To clear the configuration, you can use the following commands:

delete flash:config.text

delete flash:vlan.dat

1. After configuring, in privileged mode, use the command "reload" to restart the device and when prompted whether to save the changed configuration, choose not to save. After restart, the configuration will be empty.

2. In privileged mode, use the command "delete flash:config.text" to delete the configuration directly and completely clear the configuration file."



V. Solution 5:

"How to delete the configuration of Ruijie switches?

Hello, Ruijie switches and routers are enterprise-level devices and do not have a "Reset" button to clear configuration information. During teaching, the following methods are generally used:

1. In privileged mode, use the command "delete flash:config.text" to delete the configuration directly, thus completely clearing the configuration file.

2. After configuring, in privileged mode, use the command "reload" to restart the device. When prompted whether the configuration has changed and needs to be saved, choose not to save. After restarting, the configuration will be empty.


Common Troubleshooting for Computers

1. Inability to automatically detect the hard disk controller may occur when using non-genuine operating system discs during system installation. This is because the automatically loaded hard disk controller drivers from non-genuine discs do not match the required drivers for the computer. In this case, it is advisable to use genuine discs to install the operating system.

2. Incorrect manual driver update for the hard disk controller can cause this error. If the Windows operating system is functioning normally but the manual driver update for the hard disk controller is incorrect, enter the Windows system's advanced menu and choose the last known good configuration to access the system normally.

3. Changes in BIOS settings can also cause this error. If the Windows operating system is functioning normally but the user has modified the BIOS settings, resulting in a 0x0000007b error, it is recommended to restore the default BIOS settings.

Generally, routers have a small hole with an E-graphic starting with an "R" at the back. If there is such a small hole, take a pen with a longer tip, insert it into the hole until resistance is felt, stay in this position for 10 seconds, then unplug the power, wait for 10 seconds, plug in the power again, and wait for another 10 seconds.

Alternatively, you can directly access the router through Internet Explorer and restore it to its factory settings."

User Access Verification




Enter privileged mode, first use dir to view your configuration file name, and then delete the corresponding file.


Mode Link Size MTime Name

-------- ---- --------- ------------------- ------------------

<DIR>1 0 1970-01-01 08:00:00 dev/

<DIR>1 0 2009-11-23 16:21:13 ram/

<DIR>2 0 2009-11-19 14:55:13 tmp/

<DIR>0 0 1970-01-01 08:00:00 proc/

1 424 2009-10-14 09:50:09 rsa_private.bin

1 12 2009-11-23 16:21:26 priority.dat

1 9257504 2009-11-16 10:57:03 rgos.bin

1 1183 2009-11-19 17:35:35 config.text

1 424 2009-10-14 09:50:08 rsa1_private.bin

1 1407520 2009-11-16 10:57:17 web_management_pack.upd


6 Files (Total size 10667067 Bytes), 4 Directories.

Total 31457280 bytes (30MB) in this device, 19529728 bytes (18MB) available.

Ruijie#del flash:config.text

Enter to restart


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