The three major considerations in the data center infrastructure construction

With the rapid development of large data, Internet of things, cloud computing, more and more enterprises to invest in the Internet field, the Internet age, the data center construction is the most important, but the data center room system construction is developing rapidly, some technology Requirements and the original concept of the engine room has been greatly changed compared to some of the past experience and methods may not have been applied to the new era of data center, then a new generation of data center room infrastructure which special needs to pay attention to matters What?

Data Center

1. The engine room construction on the floor load-bearing requirements

When many units selection the engine room construction site, often only take into account the room equipment much, need a large area, only focus on temperature and humidity, cleanliness, illumination, grounding and other technical parameters of the guarantee, but ignored the room load requirements.

2. The engine room system construction investment and operation and maintenance

In the construction of the engine room system, the project investment is very important, the control of investment is an important goal of project management. The investment in the engine room system is divided into two parts, one is the investment in the construction of the engine room facilities, the other is the investment of the operation and management of the engine room. The economy of the former investment determines the investment of the latter.

3. The importance of the top of the room waterproof

Now the engine room placed a large number of sophisticated, valuable computers, network equipment. The general value of the information center equipment is in the millions of RMB or tens of millions of RMB, and some even hundreds of millions of RMB, once a water leakage accident occurs, it will cause damage to equipment and information loss, bring great, even Irreparable economic loss. Therefore, the location of the engine room to take full account of the safety of water problems, at the same time, the top of the floor in the room corresponding to the ground to make waterproof treatment.

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