Analysis on Global Gigabit Network Market

According to BBT's latest data show that the global fixed network broadband users had reached 776 million, of which the proportion of DSL users accounted for 40.1%, FTTx accounted for 37.7%, Cable Modem accounted for 20.3%. BBT predicts that FTTx users will surpass DSL subscribers in 2017 driven by radical FTTx deployments in Asia Pacific and North America. Meanwhile, BBT also predicts that nearly 34% of global users enjoy 100Mbps and above broadband services in 2022, while this ratio only 6% in the past 2016. The compound annual growth rate of global fixed network broadband users is expected to reach 1.7%, of which the compound annual growth rate of FTTx users are nearly 6%. Moreover, the data from Ovum is more optimistic who predicts that global Gigabit broadband will occupy more than 65% of the total number of global broadband lines in 2022. In 2016, there are more than 166 operators around the world began to provide or under construct Gigabit network, among them, Gigabit network coverage is more mature in the United States, Singapore, South Korea, Japan etc.

Asia: China is actively deploying Gigabit cities

Asian Gigabit Network Market
In the Asian market, Singapore, Japan, South Korea led the construction of Gigabit network, China is actively follow up. Not long ago, China’s National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly developed the "three-year action plan for major construction of information infrastructure", including 2018 years, new trunk cable 90,000 km, append 200 million ports of fiber to the home, Urban and rural areas to achieve optical coverage, providing 1,000 megabits per second and above access service capabilities, home broadband users to provide 100 megabits per second or more flexible choice in large and medium-sized city, improving the proportion of administrative village fiber from 75% to 90%

Europe: the highest density

European Gigabit Network Market
Most countries in Europe have released Gigabit broadband services, according to statistics, more than 50 operators are actively involved. A small number of countries such as Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Latvia, Estonia, Montenegro, Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, etc., there is no operator to provide Gigabit business.

America: North America market is active, the development prospect of South American market is huge

North American Gigabit Network Market
The North American Gigabit network market, led by the United States, has been thriving, with 48 companies already operating on Gigabit networks and four networks under construction. In the Canadian market, seven operators have begun to provide services, four are under construction.
South America Gigabit Network Market
In South America, Brazil and Peru have now provided or are about to provide Gigabit network services.

Africa: Gigabit network development eve

African Gigabit Network Market
In the African market, South Africa has now provided Gigabit network services, although other countries and regions have not yet provided Gigabit network, but because of the large population in the region, its development space should not be underestimated.

Oceania: New Zealand leads the market

Oceania Gigabit Network Market
New Zealand has seven companies to provide Gigabit network services, and Australia has a company has provided services, and another two companies are under construction.

Note: the meaning of X / Y 
X represents the number of operators of the commercially available Gigabit network

Y represents the number of gigabit network operators under construction
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