Color Code of Fiber Optic Cable

What is the color code of fiber optic cable?

The color code of a fiber optic cable is a certain code that stands for the color of the fiber. Different colors of fibers are coded differently. Fibers with different colors are easy to be identified, and also quite good for the splicing of fibers when laying fiber optic cables, which effectively avoids the mistake in identification and splicing of optic fibers.

Structure of Fiber Optic Cable

Introduction about the color code of fiber optic cable.

1.Standard Fiber Colour Identification

Standard Fiber Colour Identification

2.Color Identification of loose tube inside fiber optic cable

 Indicatory Colour Identification

Indicatory Colour Identification

Tube Full Colour Identification

Tube Full Colour Identification


Color chromatogram of fiber optic cable is often a complicated issue for many sales in fiber optic communication, also for many customers when they do business in B2C mal. So well understanding the color chromatogram is quite beneficial for sales to help customers solve their questions so as to make business successful.

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