• 2017-05-11
    IntroductionAccording to the professional technicians, there are some fiber optic cables used to transmit data over a long distance while others are made to transmit data over a short distance. One of the fiber optic cables used in the transmission of data over a short distance is known as multimode
  • 2017-05-04
    The current fiber optic communication technology is not only able to meet the demands for domestic network building but also stepping to the construction of international communication network. Fiber optic communication has developed so fast in recent decades because it is based on the optical fiber
    Tag: What
  • 2017-07-07
    Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology which use network to provide equipment with direct current. Since the nineties of the 20th century, PoE technology with reliable and cost-effective features have been widely respected, PoE equipment is also very common in our daily life, then, what kind of c
    Tag: PoE
  • 2017-05-11
    IntroductionConnecting to a computer network with fiber optic cables requires sufficient knowledge. Therefore, it is very important to understand the procedure of doing it. First and foremost you should plug in the fiber optic cable into the converter. Ensure the USB or cable is well fitted in the c
  • 2017-05-11
    IntroductionIn reality, many fiber optics are widely used for lighting. There are numerous reasons why this fiber optics is used for lighting. The Fiber Optic Cables contains a central core which is a good conduct of heat and therefore, making it suitable to be used in lighting. In short, the Fiber
  • 2017-05-11
    IntroductionIt is a fact that the Fiber optic technology is far much faster the copper in the transmission of data. One of the major reasons is that the fiber optic technology transmits data in form of pulses of light while the copper wires transmit data in form of electrical currents. Therefore, t
  • 2017-05-11
    IntroductionIt is clear that the data is transmitted along the fiber optic cable in form of pulses of light but many have no knowledge of how the movement is done. As a technician or an engineer, you should have knowledge on how the pulse moves along the cable. The pulse moves through the core in a
  • 2017-05-11
    Definition of Direct Buried Fiber Optic CableDirect Buried Fiber Optic Cable this is the type of fiber cable which is buried underground without any covering or sheathing. It is just buried direct without any kind of protection. The research showed that most of the Direct Buried Fiber Optic Cables
  • 2017-05-11
    Definition of Anti-electromagnetic Fiber Optic CableAnti-electromagnetic Fiber Optic Cable is the type of fiber cable which is widely used to connect two electronic devices. The Anti-electromagnetic Fiber Optic Cable transmits data from one point to another. Consequently, Anti-electromagnetic Fiber